Project 2 was an attempt at reverberating the naturally very resonant staircase of the CMB. A first test with this using the 15 inch woofer from project 1 was successful, and it seemed that with more volume I could really make something cool happen. So I obtained some rental PA gear and loaded everything into the staircase one night to see what would happen. It wasn’t hard finding the resonant frequency of the staircase. (it’s 568hz, but also works on other octaves) When you hit the right frequency, the staircase amplifies the sounds and you hear loud harmonics that seem to get louder over time. When the source of sound is taken away, it takes several seconds for the sound to evaporate from the staircase.

When the project was presented in class, it was much less effective than during the experiments. During my tests I had blown out one of my drivers, leaving me with one instead of two. Further, lots of people in the stairwell seemed to absorb the sound, taking away a lot of the natural reverberation.

Nevertheless, when I did it by myself there was plenty of coolness to be heard. It was easy to create beats by playing frequencies just slightly different from each other. Further, the volume of the sound was incredible; it made chest hurt and your teeth rattle. If I were to do the experiment again, I would have used a dedicated live sound subwoofer. Lower frequencies were more effective than the higher ones I was attempting.